President of Misty Pines, CPDT-KA
Jeff Woods is the Founder, CEO/President of Misty Pines Pet Company Inc. Jeff has been caring for dogs, successfully helping, training, consulting and teaching thousands of dogs and their caregivers for most of his life. He was inspired by his father Dr. Robert J. Woods DVM. While Growing up Jeff worked with his Father at his practice helping him and, not knowing then, learning lifetime skills and compassion for working with the animals and their human caregivers. As working as Director of Dog Training and a Canine Behavior Consultant for his staff and clients, gives Jeff fulfillment and great satisfaction from helping animals and their caregivers as his Father did growing up.
Jeff’s knowledge, passion and love of dogs inspired his development of a successful Pet Care and Dog Training Facility within a 25-acre dog park. The park is complete with obstacles, hiking trails and a dock diving pond where dogs can swim, with running space in a secure and safe environment. As open spaces disappear, and areas don’t allow dogs, Misty Pines Pet Company offers a place where dogs and their owners can learn and experience a safe dog friendly helpful environment to train, exercise, and socialize.
Jeff’s 40+ years in practice and experience, coupled synergistically with education from La Roche and, Cornell Universities, the University of Guelph, and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), led to his success and led to his development and invention of the patented Scruffy Guider® training collar. As a certified professional dog trainer (CPDT-KA), Jeff invented, uses and recommends this training tool as a collar that provides not only a safe way to train for the owner, but a collar that was developed with the dog’s well-being in mind. It has been used by thousands of people and dogs with tremendous success. The Scruffy Guider® is recommended and utilized by many veterinarians, and dog trainers worldwide.
Misty Pines Pet Company is a 12,000 square foot facility that includes seventy-five capacity dog and cat boarding hotel, a grooming shop, and a state of the art 5,400 sq. ft. dog training center that is completely equipped for special events and shows. Jeff’s most recent development was designing a one of the kind a contemporary cutting edge dog daycare and exercise arena that is uniquely integration of indoors and outdoors. Misty Pines’ group training classes, canine behavioral consultations, and seminars are held in this facility. Jeff and his professional staff instructs group dog training classes and private lessons for adults and kids; he performs behavioral assessments and evaluations dealing with dog aggression is most sought out and valued by his peers, clients, veterinarians, attorneys and judges seeking analyses and evaluations for their dog aggressive cases.
Jeff has been serving the community since 1975 and serves, sponsors, supports, and advises several Animal Welfare Facilities and Shelters throughout the Tristate area.
One of Jeff’s many passions in the dog world is helping people reach their goals; develop themselves and their dogs to their fullest potential. Jeff, his daughter Aimee, Vice President and skilled seasoned staff are very proud of their company and are persistently working and striving continually bettering and developing a Complete Pet Company that Loves the Company of People and Pets.

Education and Certifications:
- February 22-24, 2024 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Ohio State University – Columbus Ohio, 18 CEU’s Animal Behavior Courses By: Christopher Pachel DVM, DACVB, CABC. Pitfalls in Canine Socialization, Canine Teenagers, Prescribing for Behavior Aditi Czarnomski CPDT-KSA, Creative and Innovative Enrichment for Dogs. Susan Friedman Ph.D. Utah State University and Behavior Works: Living and Learning with Animals, Heather Luedecke M.S., CBDC, FFCP,
- February 16-18, 2023 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 18 CEUs Animal Behavior Courses By: Dr. Diane Frank, DVM, DACVB: Abnormal Behavior: Is it medical, Behavioral, or Both?. Dr. Aditi Czarnomski, CPDT-KSA: Body Language: Reading, Interrupting, and Responding. Dr. Meghan E. Herron, DVM, DACVB, Behavior Evaluations in Shelter Dogs: What Does the Science Say?. Dr. Margaret E. Gruen, DVM, Ph.D., DACVB, Fear, Anxiety and Phobia in Dogs. Separation Anxiety in Dogs. Psychopharmacology in Dogs. Case-Based Approach to Behavior Problems in Dogs.
- February 20-23, 2020 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 24 CEUs Animal Behavior Courses By: Dr. Leanne Lilly, DVM: General Psychopharmacology, Noise Fears and Phobias, Breed-Specific Fears and Phobias. Dr. Emma Grigg, M.A., Ph.D., CAAB: Aggression in Dogs, Addressing Behavior Issues. Dr Katherine Pankratz, DVM, DACVB: Interpreting Body Language, Behavior Modification, Canine Separation Anxiety, Cognitive Dysfunction, Compulsive Disorders.
- February 21-24, 2019 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 24 CEUs Animal Behavior Courses By: Amy L. Pike, DVM, DACVB, Christopher Pachel, DVM,DACVB,CABC: Cognitive Dysfunction in dogs and cats. Pain and Behavior, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors and Compulsive Disorders, Hypothyroidism and Behavior, Psychopharmacology, Nutraceuticals, and Pheromones, Lunging, Barking, and Out-of-Control Dogs, Leash Reactivity, Hands-ON- Lab Aggression in Dogs; Defensive Handling and Training.
- January 2019 Re-certification by CCPDT 60 hours Continuing Education
- February 22-25, 2018 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus Ohio, 24 CEUs Animal Behavior Courses By: E’Lise Christensen, DVM, DACVB Pets & Kids Have Fun & be Safe together. Case based approach to owner directed aggression in Dogs; Medications and Polypharmacy for Behavior Disorders. C. A. Tony Buffington, DVM, Ph.D. Ingrid Johnson , CCBC, Lisa Radosta, DVM, DACVB
- February 23-26, 2017 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 24 CEUs Animal Behavior Courses By: Walter F. Burghardt DVM, PH.D.Behavior Problems in Military Working Dogs, Sally J. Foote, DVM, CABC-IAABC Behavior Medications and Behavior Plans for Problems, Thersa McKeon, B.A. Understanding body Language, Jane Killion, Puppy Culture, Lore I. Haug, DVM, M.S. DACVB, Talking down the Line using Leashes and Lead ropes more effectively.
- February 25-28, 2016 Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 21 CEU Animal Behavior Courses By: Pamela Reid, PhD., CAAB, Evaluating Aggression in Fight-Bred Pit Bulls; Behavioral Rehabilitation of Fearful and Under-Socialized Dogs, Training Theory and Behavior Modification Part I and II; Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB, Bangs and Booms: Noise and Storm Sensitivities in Dogs; Do Dogs Mean to be Mean? Understanding Canine Aggression; Assessing Prognosis in Aggressive Dogs; Medical Causes of Behavior Problems in Dogs and Cats; Megan Herron, DVM, Bite Prevention, Reading Body Language and Predicting, mitigating the environment. Steve Dale, CABC, Getting Pets to Vets, Pheromones, Nutraceuticals and Medications for Reducing Distress.
- January 2016 – Re-certification by CCPDT 75 CEU hours
- September 11-14, 2014 – NACSW k-9 Nose Work Training Camp , Camp Westmont, Poyntelle, Pa; Ron Gaunt, Co-founder, Jill Marie O’Brien, Co-founder , CPDT-KA, Amy Herot, Co-founder, CPDT-KA; Dana Crevling, CPDT-KA
- April 29, 2014, Misty Pines Pet Company – Dr. Ian Dunbar PhD. New Concepts for the Prevention and Treatment of Dog Aggression
- February 20-23, 2014 – Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 21 CEU Animal Behavior Course By: W. Jean Dodds, DVM (Update on Thyroid Disorders, Diagnosis and Treatment. Vaccine Issues Revisited, Nutrigenomics, Food Intolerances). Christopher Pachel, DVM, DACVB. Julie Albright, DVM, M.A. DACVB (Canine Fears and Phobias, Aggression, Solving Canine Nuisance Behaviors). Robin Bennet, CPDT-KA Achieving Safety and Excellence in Daycare and off-leash playgroups.
- September 2013 – Volunteer for National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) Nose Work Competition (NW 1 Level and NW 2 Level)
- February 21 – 24, 2013 – Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 21 CEU Animal Behavior Courses by: Gary Landsberg, DVM, B.Sc., DACVB, Lisa Radosta, DVM, DACVB, Sophia Yin, DVM, M.S.
- January 13, 2013 – USA Obedience World Cup Team Fred Hulme seminar “A Common Sense Approach to Competitive Obedience”
- August 2012 – Re-certification by CCPDT 50 hours Continuing Education
- May 25, 2012 – Working with Fearful and Reactive Dogs – Suzanne Clothier Seminar
- May 4-6, 2012 – A Scientific Presentation and Study of Working Dogs – University of Guelph, Canada – Dr. William S. Helton, Ph.D., Dr. Andrew Luescher, DVM, Ph.D., Dr. Alan Beck, Sc.D., Dr. Alexander Ferworn, CD, Ph.D., Dr. Megan Parker, Ph.D.
- February 23-26,2012 – Midwest Veterinary Conference – Columbus, Ohio, 21 CEU Animal Behavior Courses by: Suzanne Hetts, PhD., Ilana Reiner, Ph.D., Lore Haug, DVM, M.S., DACVECC, DACVIM, Sheila d’Arpino, DVM, DACVB
- November 21st 2010 – Science-Based Dog Training, Dr. Ian Dunbar
- June 14th 2009 – Dog Behavior, Medicine and Training, St. Huberts, Dr. Nick Dodman, Dr. Ian Dunbar
- October 2008 – Completed 32 Continuing Educational Credits
- July 1st 2006 – Re-certification by CCPDT 50 hours Continuing Education
- March 19th 2005 – Canine Language, Communication & Aggression Dr. John Wright, DVM
- September 10 – 14, 2003 – 18 hours CEUs Six Aggression Cases, Karen Overall, MA, Ph.D.
- May 3-5, 2002 – Center for Applied Animal Behavior “Dr. Ian Dunbar, CEO, CAAB Inc. BSc, BVetMed, MRCVS, PhD, CPDT Doggy Behavior & Training Course”
- November 12, 1998 – Fifth Annual Educational Conference “Diagnosing and Treating Aggression in Dogs” Patricia McConnel, PhD
- November 12, 1998 – Fifth Annual Educational Conference “Swimming Upstream: Training Against the Genetic Grain” Jean Donaldson
- November 10-12, 1995 – Association of Pet Dog Trainers “Training People & Dogs in the 90’s”
- November 6, 1994 – Life Learn by Karen Pryor and Gary Wilkes “Don’t Shoot the Dog! The New Art of Teaching and Training”
- March 26-27, 1994 – University of Guelph “Behavior Problems of Dogs”
- March 27-28, 1993 – University of Guelph “How Dogs Learn: The Principles of Learning and their Practical Application in Dog Training and Behavior Modification”
- April 26, 1990 – Cornell University “Canine Nutrition”
- September 22, 1991 – Cornell University “Solving Canine Behavior Problems”